Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Thrill is Gone! Bernie Sanders Revolution Goes Kaput

Bernie Sanders 

Based off of the results going back to late last year in special election’s. One could reasonably say that Vermont Senator Bernie “Crypt Keeper” Sanders no longer has the magic touch many in the Democratic Party claimed he did. David Siders over at Politico in his article “Bernie and his army are losing 2018”. Siders recounts a litany of defeats for the Sanders Socialist Squad:

Bernie Sanders is sputtering.

Two years after his defeat in the 2016 presidential primary, the Vermont senator has amassed a growing string of losses in races in which he has intervened. Beginning last year, Sanders-backed candidates faltered in an Omaha mayoral race and a nationally watched House race in Montana.

Then came Rep. Tom Perriello’s loss in Virginia’s gubernatorial primary, and in June, the drubbing in Iowa of Pete D’Alessandro, a top adviser to Sanders during his 2016 Iowa caucus campaign. Cathy Glasson, endorsed by Sanders’ successor group, Our Revolution, fell short in Iowa’s gubernatorial primary, as did Peter Jacob and Jim Keady in two New Jersey House races. Dennis Kucinich lost in Ohio.

Siders points out that even with the help of other ultra liberal politicians and activists. Sanders backed candidates still mostly went down to defeat in primaries held earlier this week:

In a crowded Democratic primary in Kansas, former Sanders campaign staffer Brent Welder said before results were finalized on Tuesday night that his “message of bold progressive values and running an uncorrupted campaign that does not take corporate PAC money is resonating with people across Kansas, across the district and across the country.”

But hours later, the race was called for Welder’s opponent Sharice Davids, an attorney who will take on Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) in November.

Sanders did even worse in Michigan, where he and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaigned aggressively for Abdul El-Sayed, who was trampled by more than 20 percentage points in the Democratic primary for governor. Sanders rallied supporters in Detroit over the weekend. El-Sayed, a 33-year-old physician, was seeking to become the first Muslim governor in the nation.

For those of you who may not be aware Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a 28 year old Socialist Democrat who defeated 10 term veteran Democratic Congressman Joe  Crowley in June. Her victory garnered even more attention since Crowley was considered as a strong contender to become Speaker of the House if the Democrats take back the House this November. Since than Ocasio-Cortez has become a rock star to many on the extreme left of the Democratic Party. Bob Fredricks over at the New York Post has a good article about Ocasio-Cortez’s terrible track record at getting candidates elected here

So how did Bernie Sanders go from almost beating Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination to a has been? IR’s theory is after having spoken to some of our most left leaning friends that the biggest reason that Bernie caught fire the way he did for so long is because he was running against Hillary and was a good outlet for anti Hillary democrats. But Hillary despite whatever her ambitions are is gone and will not be back. So a major motivation for anyone to take Bernie Sanders seriously now is no longer around. Also it could be that many Democratic voters could be tired of the identity politics of Fake Republican President Donald Trump. And with there being such an enormous Anti-Trump wave building among Democrats, Independents, and a small minority of Republicans. This wave is a great, great, great Anti-Trump wave! It’s Yuge!! So  the last thing many people want is to vote for candidates that are going to go to Washington just to blow up our political system.
Preaching income redistribution over growth, timidity in asserting America’s values on the world stage, and adopting a slightly redressed version of Trumpisim may play well in New York, D.C., and Los Angeles. But farmers in Kansas, line workers in Michigan, and blue collar workers in Virginia will and have so far rejected candidates who just preach Sanders silliness. This is by no means to say we think that any significant number of Democrats who have beaten Bernie’s people will wind up being less extreme than Sanders. If the House changes hands as we believe it will. We predict that most newly elected Democrats will turn into Nancy Pelosi clones. The only difference is that the Democrats will lie about their extremist views. We thought we would end this post with a little meme making its way around cyberspace showing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being out of her depth:

1 comment:

  1. Hope Ocasio-Cortez doesn't touch a Bible! Otherwise she will really get burned!


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