Monday, January 29, 2018

Indiana GOP Establishment Pushing Greg Pence to fill Luke Messer's Congress Seat

Greg Pence RINO

Previously we have written about Vice President Mike Pence's older brother Greg Pence's decision to run for the congressional seat now held by Luke Messer. Mister Messer is forgoing another run for his U.S. House seat and is instead running in the Senate GOP Primary to hopefully faceoff against the incumbent U.S. Senator Democrat Joe Donnelly. The party bosses in Indiana as you all know are hell bent on doing everything they can to elect Greg Pence to Congress. Fortunately the voters of the Indiana 6th Congressional District do not have to settle for another milquetoast Pence to represent them in Congress. Running in the GOP 6th CD Primary is Stephen Mackenzie. Mr. Mackenzie has had a good career in business, he has been a missionary, as well as serving in the Air Force Reserve.

Mr. Mackenzie released this statement on his Facebook page earlier today regarding the establishments pushing Greg Pence on Hoosier voters:

Stephen Mackenzie Real Republican

To date, twelve out of nineteen counties within the sixth Congressional District have announced their annual Lincoln Day Dinners’ dates and guest speakers. Two of those, Rush County and Franklin County, have announced Congressional Candidate Greg Pence as their speaker, despite the fact that the Republican Party, from county to state to the federal level, is encouraged to be objective towards all of the candidates running during the Primary season. Unfortunately, in this GOP Primary Congressional race, it has been proven to not be the case.
Here is Stephen MacKenzie's official statement:
“The Party Leaders have made it very clear that Greg Pence, the Vice-President’s older brother, is their chosen candidate in this GOP Primary. Greg might as well be the incumbent candidate for how the Party Elites have behaved behind the scenes. The Establishment has been involved in this Primary race at every level, from county to district to state to the Vice-President himself, attempting to get me to quit. But the last time I checked, the United States of America was a Constitutional Democratic Republic, where we, the people, have the right to choose our own candidates and vote for who we want! Yet the Establishment has done everything in its power to shut me out and destroy my candidacy.
But they didn’t count on me, a candidate with a strong military background, strong Christian values, strong ethics, and the will to fight back and expose them. You see, I know what is important to the people of Indiana and I intend to go to Washington to represent YOU, not the best interests of the Republican elite. And they didn’t count on you, the people, who are informed enough to know that the Establishment fights the true Conservative candidates more in the Primary, than they fight the Democrats in the General!
The two GOP counties who are hosting Greg Pence as their guest speaker for their Lincoln Day Dinner, while ignoring the rest of the candidates in this Congressional race, are merely proof of what has been happening to me privately behind the scenes since I declared my candidacy. I sincerely hope the Indiana voter will not let the Establishment get away with crowning Greg Pence as their next U.S. Representative, but will rise up to tell the Party Elites: “Enough!”

Indy Republican stands with Stephen Mackenzie and says: "Enough"! Enough with the Establishment and their tools telling us who we should and should not vote for. For this reason IR is proud to endorse Steve Mackenzie for Congress! Give them Hell Steve!

UPDATE: An IR reader was kind enough to bring to our attention a tweet from Stephen Mackenzie with a photocopy of his full statement and some additional background information on the eGOP's trying to "persuade" Mackenzie to drop out of the race for congress:

Link to Mackenzie's Facebook announcement:

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Mackenzie's past should be looked into in greater depth. If one did happen to peal away the layers, one would find a history of financial irresponsability for which Mr. Mackenzie blames his ex wife. One would also find that Mr. Mackenzie was deployed with the Air Force Reserves to combat areas but was never actually in combat and never fired a single shot at the enemy. Not trying to take away from his service but it does disturb me when he makes statements about how he fought ISIS when he did not. Mr. Mackenzie believes that it is perfectly alright to accept credit for what others have done. It is not at all surprising that Mr. Mackenzie claims that groups that won't support him are somehow being paid off by the establishment when in reality people in these groups do not like Mr. Mackenzie after they spend some time with him. All of this "it's not fair" crap sounds like a spoiled kid not a mature and polished individual worthy to represent the 6th district. Also, he doesn't even live in the 6th!


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