Monday, August 7, 2017

Former Democratic State Senator Jim Arnold considering challenge to Congresswoman Jackie Walorski

Former State Senator Jim Arnold-D Laporte

Today Dan Carden of the Northwest Indiana Times reported that 2nd District Congresswoman Jackie Walorski-R may find herself challenged for reelection next year. Dan Carden reports

The veteran Hoosier lawmaker, former LaPorte County sheriff and current member of the LaPorte Community School Board said Monday that he's been approached by influential Democrats who urged him to think about the race.

"I have been asked to consider it. I don't know how many others have been asked," Arnold said. "I have to say the encouragement has been overwhelming from what few people I've spoken to."

Arnold said it's only in the past few days that he's begun discussing with his family, and reaching out to local party leaders, about whether he should run.

"There's a lot of variables that I have to take into consideration," he said. "I'm still thinking about all the pros and cons."

He expects to make a final decision around Labor Day.

IR knows very little about Jim Arnold beyond what is mentioned in Dan Carden's article. We all here remember that Walorski was a state representative before she was elected to congress in 2012. She narrowly won reelection to her state house seat in 2006 after voting for Mitch Daniels "Major Moves" program. Word on the street was is that she felt slighted by Daniels because he seemed unwilling to help her out after she voted for "Major Moves" as it was unpopular in her district. Also our sources tell us that Congresswoman Walorski was sometimes called "Chewbaca". IR is not sure why so we will put a photo of the Congresswoman and a photo of Chewbacca below and see what all of you think!

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski-R

Chewbacca the Wookie 


  1. I see no resemblance to Chewbaca. What is obvious are the pervasive desires in the Hoosier political backwoods to diminish female political leaders who think and act separately from their political male masters.

    1. She does have Chewbacca's hairstyle

    2. Oh, for crying out loud. Sheesh. Go get a life. And if you think Jackie Walorski, the gal the late (and absolutely hateful and spiteful) Barb Fowler adored, I have some swamp land near Orlando I'd like to pawn off on you.

    3. Anon 7:02,

      You don't quite make sense. Jackie Walorski does have Chewbacca's hairstyle. She is also a party hack.

  2. Anon 7:02 here- I intended to write "And if you think Jackie Walorski, that gal the late (and absolutely hateful and spiteful) Barb Fowler adored IS NOT A PARTY HACK, I have some swamp land..."

    Fowler was one of THE biggest a@@kissers and water carriers for buffoon Kyle Walker in the Marion County GOP. It is no wonder a completely inept, corrupt and almost universally unliked woman like Fowler- a total party tool herself- would praise and admire a party hack like Walorski. No wonder The Establishment Republican Party is rightly known as "The Stupid Party".


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