Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tabloid Indianapolis Star Peddling more Pro-Establishment Propaganda

In yesterday's edition of Pravda Indiana. The Stars digital producer Dwight Adams wrote here about how according to US News and World Report, Indiana's State Government is ranked the best state government in the United States. The Hoosier State was given this distinction it is said because of "Indiana's excellent credit rating, low pension fund liability, and budget transparency." Indiana Governor Eric "Bagman" Holcomb in response to the Star's Press Release report about how Indiana has the greatest state government in the known universe said: "Strong leadership over the last 12 years has made our government efficient." "It's my (Eric Holcomb) goal to continue this success and elevate our position on all fronts."

IR is curious as to just what "success" Governor Holcomb wishes to continue. Is he referring to the disastrous reign at FSSA of Mitch Roob? The incompetent reign of the IDOI and IURC by Jim Atterholt who unjustly fired Paul Ogden? Does he wish to continue the legacy of "Godfather Governor" Mitch Daniels of firing and destroying state whistleblowers like the venerable Paul Ogden? Does Holcomb intend to continue turning a blind eye towards misconduct committed by the likes of former Indiana Schools Superintendent Tony Bennett? If so then the hell with Holcomb and his definition of success!

Drivel like this out of the "Downtown Mafia's" paper of record proves conclusively that the Indianapolis Star is no longer home to people like Dick Cady and Ruth Holliday. But now serves only to spew out whatever Matt Tully and his circle jerk club are told to write by their paymasters. We encourage people to checkout Dick Cady's book "Deadline Indianapolis" for a glimpse as to what the Star used to be. No doubt Advance Indiana's Gary Welsh is laughing from his grave at Indiana being given the "Best Government" designation! We all here long ago canceled our subscriptions to the Star. We advise all of you to do the same. Let's drink to the day when the Star is gone!


  1. The reason I read "Deadline Indianapolis" was directly due to one of Gary Welsh's "Advance Indiana" columns. As a child, I recall my family as intimate with many of the Marion County political characters who rose to power and positions (some to infamy) when Dale Brown's political power was in its sunset years and as Keith Bulen's political power star was rising.

    My father, a close Bulen friend, would tell me of the dark skeletons in some politicians' closets (the name Dick Lugar pole vaults to mind as does the name Mitch Daniels) in response to my questions why certain persons would run for office and certain persons were not accepted to the slate and why the slate had so much power over certain individuals. I knew virtually first-hand how crooked and untruthful some of the Marion County GOP players and politicians were [and are] but I had no idea how dastardly and self-interested they [and their co-hort Democrat brethren crooks co-engaging in the same political crimes] were until reading Cady.

    From Beurt R. SerVaas to Keith Bulen to Mitch Daniels to Rex Eary to David Brooks (including Ft. Wayne gal Susan Brooks) to Eric Holcomb and self important top "R" honchos at the State Legislature (the initials Brian Bosma are appropriate here) the political corruption is real, it is endemic, and it continues.

    It just goes on and on and on. Holcomb is part and parcel of this never-ending gang of corruption.

    It appears the entire State GOP and most all of the locals are hamstrung by this evil corruption. IndyStar participates in the continuation of this evil by printing lie after lie after lie upholding the state and local GOP in just about all the deception and plunder perpetrated against the Hoosier citizens.

  2. Do you believe the rumor that RINO Fake Republican Jeff Miller will come out of one of his closets and admit he is a Democrat and switch just like Scales did?

    1. It's very possible Miller will switch. We all are not sure what to think.

  3. Miller might as well go ahead and make what he is honest. Both Scales and Miller should have thought twice before aligning themselves with the Democrat Party- Scales doing it "out" while Miller does in the shadows. Look at the national embarrassmment Democrats have become- especially evident during the recent and brilliant Trump Address To Congress. On full display, the Democrat Party tore off its mask to show it is childish, immature, refusing to implement laws, condoning of federal nullification, roadblocking the workings of the government, refusing to lift a finger even thought THEY LOST, calling for "impeachment" where no cause exists but dismissing the treason of their aged goddess Hillary Clinton who with her hubby Bill cleared the way for US uranium to be sold to Russion, among other wrongs. Hey, Clintons, where is all the Haitian money you stole? These leftlist liberal Demorcrats are a group of nitwits all. Scales and Miller will be right at home.


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