Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kyle Walker for Indiana GOP Chairman? Is the State Republican Party going to commit suicide?

Good evening folks. Our sources tell us here at IR that former Marion County Republican Chairman Kyle Walker is in the running to become the next State GOP Chairman. Walker's claim to fame is that he served as former Indianapolis Greg Ballard's lapdog. In addition to that Walker has helped to destroy the Republican Party in Marion County. If Walker is picked he will do serious damage to the state party. It does make sense that "Bagman" Holcomb would pick a loser such as Walker to be state chairman. Because Walker like Holcomb is a political hack devoid of any meaningful convictions. If Walker gets picked the Indiana Republican Party deserves to be thrown to the ash heap of history! As unwelcoming as the Indiana GOP is to anyone who is a real republican. Under Walker the two parties will be the same organization and true republicans will be turned into pariahs. If Walker is picked we encourage all our fellow republicans out there to refuse to lift a finger for the INGOP. If they are going to betray us and abandon Real Republicans like Christine Scales then the Indiana GOP should go down to utter defeat! In other bad news Governor-Elect Eric "Smells like Washington" Holcomb has announced he will appoint prominent welfare queen, and corporate/political whore Jim Schellinger to be Indiana's Secretary of Commerce! Why in the name of hell is Holcomb appointing a former democratic candidate for Governor to serve in his administration? This just proves that both political parties in this state are just one political party. If this is the road the Grand Old Party wants to travel down in Indiana. Then we at Indy REPUBLICAN urge all true republicans to drive the State GOP into a ditch! Enough is Enough! Let us break our chains! Set the captives free! To paraphrase that great republican William Lloyd Garrison: "We will not act with moderation! We will not issue a moderate alarm when the Hoosier state is burning down! We will not allow the continued bipartisan pillaging of our lives, liberty and treasure to go unchallenged! We will mercilessly fight every fake, low down, no good, slime ball that continues to destroy our state! We will ultimately win! Bayh and Lugar are no more! Nobody is unbeatable!" Fight the good fight brothers and sisters!

1 comment:

  1. Great points, all, Indy Republican, about the duplicitous, low intellect Kyle Walker and the buffoonish Holcomb.

    These points about the pathetic direction of the Hoosier GOP, locally and statewide, are exactly why so many of us refuse to be a part of the political crime syndicate that benefits the Brookses, the Grands, the Tom Johns, the Kyle Walkers, etc.

    And any Marion County "GOP" that actually believes two-faced Jeff Miller is a "Republican" should have his or her head examined.


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