Monday, July 11, 2016

Democrats Pull Bait-and-Switch Baron Hill Out Evan Bayh in for US Senate!

Just when the staff at INDY REPUBLICAN thought politics in good old Indiana could not get any more bizarre. Word was sent to the staff by an avid fan of this blog to us about a little switcheroo that the Indiana Democratic Party has decided to pull. According to an article by Tom LoBianco at CNN.COM former Indiana Governor and former US Senator Evan Bayh has decided to grace the state with his wisdom and greatness and run for his old job as US Senator. According to LoBianco's article:

National Democratic leaders have encouraged Bayh to run for more than a year, ever since incumbent GOP Sen. Dan Coats announced he would not run again. Bayh was dismissive at first, insistent he was done with public life, but Monday's announcement will mark a significant victory for Senate Democratic recruiters.

LoBianco goes onto mention that the previous Democratic Party candidate for US Senate ex-congressman and old Hoosier Democratic Warhorse Baron Hill has announced that he is leaving the race for the Senate on Facebook this morning Hill said of his decision:

Also mentioned is this observation about Bayh's decision to run:

Readers of this blog may recall in our most recent post about the Mike Pence for VP Soap Opera about how we refrained from reading Matt Tully's propaganda piece Column in the Indianapolis Star because we felt no need to induce vomiting amongst ourselves! Well fortunately for good old ass kisser/hack reporter Matt Tully. The news of hearing of Evan Bayh's return to public life made us even more ill than that silly man ever could. So we decided to take a look and see what the latest round of establishment BS reporting Mr. Tully had to offer us about Saint Evan's return. Tully gushes over describes Bayh as: "the man who left politics in 2010 in deep frustration with partisan dysfunction." If that is not enough to make someone lose their lunch. Tully treats to another round of his cult worship of useless humans with this gem of insight: "On the Mount Rushmore of Indiana's modern-day politics, two politicians stand alone: Former Gov. Mitch Daniels and Evan Bayh. Put either name on a ballot, any ballot in Indiana, and you likely have an instant front-runner."

Fellow Blogger Paul Ogden wrote on his blog today about Bayh's abandoning his 2010 Senate Re Election bid and asked questions about Bayh and pointed out facts that the Indianapolis Lame Stream Media including Matt Tully's Circle Jerk Club will not about our state's newest Senate Candidate:

"At the time of his 2010 decision, Bayh said he was leaving because Congress was dysfunctional and he lost interest in serving:
After all these years, my passion for service to our fellow citizens is undiminished, but my desire to do so by serving in Congress has waned,  For some time, I've had a growing conviction that Congress is not operating as it should. There is much too much partisanship and not enough progress. ... Even at a time of enormous national challenge, the people's business is not getting done.
One has to wonder what Bayh saw about how Congress has operated in the last six years to cause him to have renewed faith in the institution.   Further, Evan Bayh does not even live in Indiana.  He is a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who lives in the Georgetown section of that city.  The Washington Business Journal published a story on the Bayh's purchase of a home four-bedroom home on N Street Northwest in March of 2015:
The former Democratic senator from Indiana, now a partner at the K Street office of McGuireWoods, said he would have been just as happy staying in Spring Valley. But with their two kids off to college, the big six-bedroom, Georgia-style brick home was more than the couple needed.
Susan Bayh, her husband said, "just liked the idea of being in the middle of things," including plenty of shopping options. After the sacrifices she made for his political career, the senator figured he could sacrifice for her by moving to Georgetown.
"It's really simple. We have twin sons who went off to college last fall, my wife really wanted to downsize, and we didn't need as much space," Bayh told me in a phone interview. "It's the age-old story. The wife wanted to move. The husband didn't. So we moved."
The couple, which celebrated their 30th anniversary last month, settled on an 1820 Federal that was completely renovated with modern amenities, an old-meets-new "best of both worlds" setup, Bayh said. The home is assessed at $1.4 million, according to the District, and initially hit the market through Washington Fine Properties at nearly $3.2 million. McEnearney Associates represented the Bayhs.
The constitutional requirement for Senate is only that a person running be a resident of the state at the time of the election. So Bayh could move back to Indiana to run for the Senate.  But the problem is that while clearly residing in Washington D.C. and working as a lobbyist in that city, Evan Bayh and his wife has for years (even after Bayh left the Senate) continued to vote in Indiana, claiming that a very modest downtown condo is the family's residence.  Former Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White was prosecuted successfully for a felony based on the allegation that he didn't live at the address he used for voting.  Yet more popular political figures like Democrat Bayh and former Senator Richard Lugar continue to do the exactly same thing without even the slightest concern of being prosecuted.

My guess is that many Democrats will be quite displeased with today's turn of events.  Hill's donors, who could now see their donations transferred to Evan Bayh for use on his campaign, also have an even more particular reason to be angry at these turn of events."   

It is insightful of Paul Ogden to mention how many Democrats will not be pleased by Hill's decision to quit. Since the news broke this morning the INDY REPUBLICAN staff has been hearing of many angry Hill supporters who are extremely irritated at the eleventh hour move by Baron Hill to allow Evan Bayh to run in his place for Senate. Although at this blog we are mostly Republicans having had our share of ups and downs with various politicians throughout our combined 241.297 years of experience in the political arena. We can honestly say that we understand and share the frustration of people who thought they were helping out one candidate only to be gut kicked at the last second to help someone who is repulsive to them! Baron Hill should immediately refund all campaign contributions given to his US Senate Campaign! God knows Bayh doesn't need it! He has only been sitting on a $10 Million war chest forever! Paul Odgen also wrote back in 2010 about Bayh's sudden departure from the political scene.

Forgive us for being more than a little skeptical about the timing of all this. We have heard of suspension of disbelief but for the Indiana Democratic Party elites to ask us to believe that this is all a spur of the moment decision on Bayh's part to run for his old job. They are asking us to suspend insanity as well! We would much easier believe that the spirit of Frank O'Bannon appeared and told him to run than to buy this nonsense!

Paul Ogden also briefly mentions if Bayh even still lives in Indiana. If we are to use the standards applied to Charlie White than we would be compelled to say that Bayh in ineligible to be elected to the Senate from Indiana. But the laws that apply to us mere mortals do not apply to Evan Bayh or "Tricky Dick" Lugar! For an more in depth view of Evan Bayh's problems with Voter Residency we refer our readers to these two exceptional posts written by the master himself the Late Great Gary Welsh and to a Master's Thesis by Bayh's Former Campaign Manager Current Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogssett:

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