Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Live Blogging the Oz-Fetterman Debate

Doctor Mehmet Oz Vs. Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman

7:52 PM Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! In about 8 minutes, the TV Wizard of Oz will face off against the Quaker State Giant Lt. Governor John Fetterman. Oz narrowly won his primary in May, and since has proceeded to keep embarrassing himself in his campaign. However Fetterman has had issues since suffering a stroke back in May. Tonight’s debate in Harrisburg could help decide who will be the Quaker State’s newest Senator. So sit back, and relax because we will be watching the debate so you don’t have too! Only prediction we will make is that this will go better than the Biden-Trump debates of two years ago! Buckle up everyone! Let the games begin!

8:00 PM Debate is beginning, Fetterman and Oz are standing by their podiums. Both well dressed, Moderator is explaining the debate rules. The screens with closed captions are pointed out. The screens are to help Fetterman due to side effects of his stroke.

8:03 PM Fetterman is giving his introduction speech. Sounds shaky, but speech content, he vows to keep going.

8:05 PM Oz says he wants to bring civility back to Washington. He then proceeds to attack Oz over his positions on crime. Draw so far. Not sure Oz’s attacks will land.

8:07 PM Oz is attacking Fetterman more than elaborating on his own plans. 

8:08 PM Fetterman points out Oz’s mansions and how he is out of touch with working people. Nails Oz on having his products made in China. 

8:10 PM Fetterman hits Oz as being unable to stand up to special interests. Our feeling so far is that Fetterman although shaky is not embarrassing himself, Oz is going a little overboard with his barbs at Fetterman. Oz will probably use excerpts from the debate to show Fetterman as to I’ll to function as a senator. Fetterman will undoubtedly hit back at Oz and accusing him of being an out of touch elitist.

8:15 PM Oz says he favors higher minimum wage, does favor states deciding their own abortion laws. Fetterman states that the decision of abortion is between a woman and her doctor favors Roe V Wade being codifying into law. Oz opposes a nationwide abortion law. 

8:20 PM Fetterman states that he supports Roe V Wade, also says that he would favor federal funds to transport women to states where they could get abortions.

8:22 PM Fetterman dodges about whether he will release his medical records.

8:25 PM Oz claims he has never profited from medicines advertised on his show. Fetterman says he never has supported Bernie Sanders views on healthcare, points out that Sanders was on Oz’s show years ago and that Oz praised him. Fetterman quips that since Oz seemed to love Sanders so much that he should pretend to live in Vermont, so he can run for the Senate in that state. Good move by Fetterman.

8:28 PM Fetterman says he supports fracking and energy independence. 

8:30 PM Fetterman seems to stumble a little on fracking, Oz starts arguing with the moderator but then shuts up. 

8:31 PM Fetterman says they have successfully pushed back against gun violence, and has helped reduce it. 

8:32 PM So far Oz hasn’t mentioned Trump and seems to be keeping Trumpism at arm’s length. 

8:37 PM Fetterman lists China as our biggest foreign threat. Oz says he thinks the United States is not projecting strength.

8:40 PM Oz says he will support whoever is the GOP Presidential nominee in 2024. Oz says he has confidence in the legal system, 

8:42 PM Fetterman says he will support Biden if he runs again in 2024.

Sorry we had to go quickly earlier, our correspondent got ill, but is feeling better now. The debate struck us in that we are surprised that both candidates tried to sound like they weren’t just down-the-line partisans. Fetterman said they supported fracking and Oz tried to dodge when asked about where he would back Trump in 2024, also Oz’s position on abortion although more consistent with his pre campaign position, would seem to put him at odds with much of the Trumpist right. In that he is opposing national legislation on the issue. 

Our take is in the end the debate won’t move the needle much. Here’s The Focus Group’s Sarah Longwell with her take on the debate:

Friday, October 21, 2022

Is Evan McMullin poised to defeat Utah Senator Mike Lee?

U.S. Senator Mike Lee R-Utah

Evan McMullin Independent Challenger to Senator Lee

Recently The Hill published an article by Alexander Bolton discussing the often overlooked Senate contest in Utah between incumbent Republican Senator Mike Lee, and his independent conservative challenger and former presidential candidate Evan McMullin. Mister Bolton points out that:

The Utah Senate race between conservative Republican Sen. Mike Lee and Independent Evan McMullin has emerged as a potential wild card in the battle for the Senate.

Recent polls show the race is close, with McMullin trailing Lee by only a few points in a state where Republican victories are usually all but guaranteed.

A new poll taken shows McMullin ahead of Lee by four points as reported by GOP strategist Mike Murphy:

There are signs that Lee is not so confident he is ahead as he claims. Just recently he went on Tucker Carlson’s show and started begging Senator Mitt Romney to “Please Get on Board” with his reelection campaign and to endorse him. So far Lee’s crying like a bitch to get Romney to endorse him (Senator Romney has refrained from endorsing either Lee or McMullin), seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Lee’s harsh tone against McMullin is strange especially considering that Lee voted for McMullin for President in 2016. The Indy Republican gang also cast write in votes for McMullin in 2016 and are happy we did. 

In another example of Lee’s bizarre behavior, as Sarah Rumpf pointed out in her column for Mediate, Senator Lee wrote an Op-Ed for the Salt Lake Tribune, which strangely Lee wrote in the third person. Here’s what Miss Rumpf had to say:

The op-ed headlined “Mike Lee has earned a reputation as a principled conservative” had a byline of “Mike Lee.” It’s a short piece — only seven paragraphs comprised of less than 300 words — and adopts the overly earnest tone of a middle schooler’s book report.

It seems that Senator Lee has decided to take after former President Trump, and write about himself in the third person and shower himself with undeserved praise. As Rumpf pointed out Evan McMullin also accepted the Salt Lake Tribune’s offer to write an Op-Ed. Unlike Lee’s rambling third person puff piece, Mister McMullin referred to himself in the first person, and came off as speaking only for himself. Here’s a little sampling of McMullin’s Op-Ed:

I’m Evan McMullin, and I’m running for U.S. Senate not as a member of any political party or as a representative of some special interest, but as a true independent dedicated to serving Utah and our nation.

Right now, Utahns face a choice for the future of our politics and our country. Do we continue down a path of division, partisanship and cynical self-interest that not only threatens our democracy and puts special interests ahead of Utahns, but stifles progress on issues like addressing inflation, stabilizing the economy, lowering health care costs, and protecting our air and water?

Or, do we recommit to the founding ideals in our Constitution that have made America strong, prosperous, and free: namely that we are all created free, that we are all created equal, and that no one is above the law? If we are committed to these ideals, we can find common ground to solve problems on even the most divisive issues.

I served for 10 years in the Central Intelligence Agency, working undercover to take terrorists off the battlefield after 9/11. In my time overseas, I worked with hundreds of patriots, always united by our commitment to the founding ideals that have made America strong. We worked together every day toward something larger than ourselves. That’s what we should expect from our elected leaders, and especially from our U.S. Senators.

Right now in Washington, too many politicians use division as a weapon, wielding it for their own power and personal benefit. They take millions from special interest groups and then vote their way. Some even worked to overturn millions of Americans’ votes in our last presidential election. This was a betrayal of 14 generations of American sacrifice. They tried to destroy our democracy, so long as they would have benefited.

Utah can do better. We’re building a coalition of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents committed to working together to find common ground and deliver real solutions to move our country forward. I hope you’ll join us. Learn more at EvanMcMullin.com.

The contrast between both candidates could not be more stark. Back in 2010 and 2016 we supported Lee because he claimed to be a constitutionalist. But ever since the election of the fake conservative Donald Trump, Mike Lee has betrayed his oath to the Constitution and has shown himself unworthy of holding any office of public trust in these United States.

Whereas Evan McMullin has a long history of service to the United States, he also worked as the House GOP Policy Director for a few years and is familiar with how Congress works. He also had the courage to mount a long shot bid to defeat both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for the Presidency. McMullin believes in limited government, defending the Constitution, upholding the rule of law, free markets, strong borders and sensible immigration policy. As much as we would like to support a conservative Republican for office. We refuse to support Lee because he is not a conservative and also in the strictest sense of the word he is not a republican, meaning he does not believe in the political philosophy of Republicanism. Because Mike Lee does not and will not stand up for the Constitution and rule of law, we will not endorse him. Because Evan McMullin does support all the right things we do endorse him. We urge all our readers to go to EvanMcMullin.com and donate to his campaign. Evan McMullin has stood up for all Americans and we Republicans here are proud to stand up with him!