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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Is Mike Pence Gay?

Our apologies for the lack of posts these past few weeks, everything has been so hectic! Before we return to our regularly scheduled programming we thought we would in a mildly serious way look into a weird video of Vice President Mike Pence that is floating around the internet.

Just this afternoon an alert reader of Indy Republican sent all of us a video circulating on line that shows Vice President Mike Pence looking creepily at his master President Donald Trump. Gay comedian Marie Connor had some funny commentary on the funny but creepy way that Mike Pence is fawning over Donald Trump: 
Personally all of us here at IR don’t care what the Vice President likes to shove up his ass. That being said however it would be kind of funny, and not to surprising to find that old Mikey is gay. The reason we are not sure is because we aren’t entirely sure that Mike Pence is actually a man. We are half tempted to ask Ann Coulter if he knows whether or not Pence is a man. Time will tell if Pence is hiding the truth about who he is. 

On Twitter someone put up this photo of Pence in a Village People type cowboy outfit. In fairness we don’t know if this image is real or doctored. But it’s just to amusing not to put up: 

UPDATE: A reader sent us a clearer picture of Pence’s taste in western wear:

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