Monday, March 18, 2019

County GOP in Missouri Engages In Trump Cult Worship

Christian County Defiles Christianity, Abe Lincoln & the Republican Party
What a way to start off a work week. In another sign of The SATANIC takeover of much of our Grand Old Party. Word has come to us that the Christian County Republican Party has chosen to go down the blasphemous road and has changed their fundraising dinners to the Lincoln/Trump Day Dinner. Instead of keeping the more honorable century old tradition of Lincoln Day Dinners. Named in honor of one of our greatest presidents and the first man to win the presidency on the GOP ticket. After all Lincoln only helped to end slavery and restore the United States. That’s nothing compared to President Trump surviving his own personal Vietnam of avoiding STD’s! This action by the Christian (And we use that word loosely) County GOP as bad as it is, is but one of two reprehensible actions taken by these big government, socialist creeeps masquerading as conservatives. The Hill reported today that a United States Senator’s adhering to their oath of office is secondary to worshiping at the altar of Trump. The Hill reported:

A Missouri county GOP committee disinvited Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) to a dinner event next month, citing his recent vote against President Trump’s emergency declaration to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. 

“I am so disappointed in you now that I can hardly speak,” Wanda Martens, the party committee’s events chairwoman, wrote in an email to Blunt’s office obtained by The Kansas City Star. “Why could you not support my president in the emergency declaration? President Trump tried every available means to work the Senate to resolve the border issue and build the much needed wall. He is well within his presidential powers to do this.”

Blunt, the fourth-ranking Republican in the Senate, was the only member of GOP leadership to vote for the resolution of disapproval that would block Trump's emergency declaration. The president vetoed the resolution Friday.

The Missouri Republican cited the separation of powers to justify his vote in a radio interview last week.

“The last power really left to Congress is the power to control appropriations, the power of the purse, which anybody’s ever looked at the constitution has heard that phrase over and over again," he told KCMO. “And I think it’s an important phrase.”

Blunt has also warned a future Democratic president could take advantage of the precedent set by the national emergency declaration and take action on issues such as gun control or environmental regulations.

We have not always been very big fans of Senator Blunt but on this issue he is right on the money. Kudos to Senator Blunt for doing his job. He should view it as a badge of honor that Wanda Martens and the rest of what David Leach AKA “The Strident Conservative” calls the Fellowship of the Pharisees dislike him so much. Keep up the good work Senator. History will judge you well. As for most of the GOP in this year of our lord two thousand and nineteen. Historians will record how too many who are supposed to carry the political torch of Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and William F Buckley. Decided to sell their souls to Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Jerry Falwell, Jr and Steve Miller. Let us fight on fellow #NeverTrumpers!!!!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Indy Republican is now on Patreon 

After almost three years of creating content that we hope is worthy of our late great mentor Gary Welsh. All of us at IR have setup a Patreon page to which you all can feel free to contribute to in order to help us cover some of our operating expenses. In the future we hope to be able to offer some special benefits to our Patreon supporters. Look forward to your continued support. Please click here to support us on Patreon.

Monday, March 11, 2019

A Word to Our Sources

IR apologizes for the scarcity of posts the past three weeks. But we have been deluged with so many tips and story suggestions that we are backlogged at the moment. We will respond to all of you that have reached out to us ASAP. We haven’t forgotten anyone. There are simply only so many hours in the day. We appreciate your trust.