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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Matt Tully Is Dead

We just received word that our old nemesis Matt Tully of the Indianapolis Star has died of cancer. We had no love for Matt Tully and IR won’t lie and say we thought much of him before or now. We still despise his role in attacking Gary Welsh and Charlie White. But we didn’t want this to happen. Tully every once in a good while wrote decent articles. And by all accounts was a good husband and father. Our prayers to his family and friends. Also Matt sorry you suffered the way you did. But you are at peace now. That’s all that matters. Someday we will bury the hatchet and start again. Good or Bad you kept us on our toes.

Rest In Peace Brother Matthew 

The IR Crew


  1. I know that we are not supposed to speak ill of the dead. But Tully didn’t deserve to die. He also doesn’t deserve to have the gushing praise that is being lavished on him. His part in destroying Charlie White and his sycophantic praise of Dick Lugar doesn’t speak well of him.


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