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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dull Lifeless VP Mike Pence Coming to Indiana to Fire Up The GOP

In news that we have filled away under the heading “Things That Induce Vomiting”. Two useless and annoying Vice President’s are coming to Indiana to fire up their respective party bases. The worthless twits Mike Pence and Joe Biden have decided to grace us Hoosiers with there presence. Because Milquetoast Mike and “Crazy Uncle” Joe Biden think we Hoosiers are to dumb to make up our own minds with out the benefit of their infinite wisdom. Joe and Mike have come here to a state that Mikey pretends to live in, and Joe Biden pretends to give a damn about. Mike and Joe are each campaigning for Mike Braun and Joe Donnelly for the US Senate respectively. 

That coupled with the fact that as a state legislator Braun a so called fiscal conservative has repeatedly voted for tax hikes, higher user fees, supported Governor Holcomb’s “War on Truckers”. And for decades voted in Democratic primaries. Helps to show how there is no discernible difference between Braun and Donnelly. We at IR personally hope both Braun and Donnelly lose! Seriously If you want us to vote give us candidates!

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