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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Judge Napolitano Explains Why Attorney-Client Privilege Doesn't Protect Michael Cohen

Last week the FBI raid the law offices of Michael Cohen personal attorney to President Donald Trump. Since the raid of Cohen's offices the President has been claiming that the raid on his lawyers office has destroyed attorney-client privilege.

Other's are not buying President Trump's logic however:

The great Judge Andrew Napolitano explained yesterday what attorney-client privilege actually is. And to the Judge's credit he points out the problems associated with the President and Michael Cohen trying to invoke the privilege in this case:

1 comment :

  1. Republicans for the Rule of Law

    Hi Indy,

    This morning, our group Republicans for the Rule of Law launched a new commercial on 'Fox and Friends' and 'Morning Joe' referencing President Nixon and asking President Trump not to let history repeat itself. One of our Founding Directors, Sarah Longwell, also has an op-ed column in the print edition of The Hill today calling on Republicans to unite around special counsel Robert Mueller.

    Also, if you didn’t catch it this weekend, George Stephanopoulos played our Mueller ad during ABC’s 'This Week' for White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We also aired our Mueller ad in Washington D.C. during Stephanopoulos’s interview with James Comey on Sunday night.

    We are looking forward to keeping you updated as our campaign develops.

    Republicans for the Rule of Law


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