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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Under Fire Todd Rokita writes OP-ED vowing he will "Defeat the Elite"

Todd Rokita pretending to have balls!

All of us at INDY REPUBLICAN know by now we maybe sounding like a broken record when it comes to Todd Rokita. But him being such an easy target we just can't resist! 

It appears that all of the negative attention that Todd has been receiving has gotten his attention. Today he wrote an article for the Langley-Controlled Indianapolis Star attempting to show Hoosiers how awesome he is. Here are some extracts from his humbly titled OP-ED "In Senate, I will defeat the elite":

Since announcing for Senate under the slogan of “Defeat the Elite”, I’ve been attacked by the Republican and Democrat establishment, liberal Joe Donnelly and his Washington allies, and liberal news columnists who still don’t get it. 

“Defeat the Elite” isn’t about taking on people who are wealthy or successful.  Achieving success through hard work is part of the American Dream.  We should celebrate and encourage that success.

It is, however, about taking on the political status quo perpetuated by many in the professional political class in Washington, D.C., who only look out for themselves.  It’s people who think they know better than you do what’s best for you and your family.

It's interesting to us that Congressman Rokita does not choose to answer the criticism against him for his shabby treatment of those who work for him as we reported on here. Or some interesting questions that have been raised about alleged misconduct while he was Indiana Secretary of State  or even rumors involving his private life click here.

If he really seeks to defeat the elite, then he should welcome the opportunity to show how he is not just another useless politician. When he mentions that he has been attacked by "news columnists who don't get it". We can't help but wonder if Mr. Rokita is not referring to IR. If so we are thrilled that he has read us. And if what we have all written here has upset him. We are overjoyed to hear that!

Keep up the good work Todd! At this rate you will be unemployed after next years primary!

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