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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Indy Republican appreciates your support on the Carmel Carousel Petition

This past week we have published several blog posts. Covering the efforts by Tim Hannon and several other patriots in Carmel to try and stop RINO Mayor Jim Brainard and the Carmel City Council, from further raiding taxpayers money. We have received an extremely positive response to our posts and also have received many thousands of visitors to our site. A special thanks is due to Eric Morris of Veterans for Peace, Indianapolis for making all of us aware of this situation before the Indianapolis Star reported on it. We are not knocking the Star in this instance. The piece written by Andrew Clark was well written. We are just thrilled that we were able to bring Mr. Hannon's petition to your attention before anyone else did. You can read our posts on the Carmel petition fight here and here.

We would like to end this blog post by directing your attention to the following blogs that we feel are deserving of your support. We do not agree with everything on these blogs. And in some cases we disagree with them much of the time. But all of these blogs provide a valuable service and are worthy of your support and please spread the word about this blog and the following blogs.

Eric Morris's Veterans for Peace, Indianapolis blog: http://veteransforpeaceindianapolis.blogspot.com/?m=1

Paul Ogden's Ogden on Politics: http://www.ogdenonpolitics.com/?m=1

Jon Easter's Indy Democrat: http://indydemocrat.blogspot.com/?m=1

Matt Stone's Indy Student/Matthew Stone dot org: http://indystudent.blogspot.com/?m=1


  1. I don't live in Carmel, but I do have this comment to make: Carmel's assets don't include attempting to make the place any more Disneyland-like than it already is. I cite as examples the attempt to copy vintage architecture in the City Administration buildings and the attempt to recreate a business district in Budapest. Carmel has many things going for it, but purchasing an expensive, vintage carousel as backdrop for prom photo-ops is not a good use of public funds. Carmel should try to establish its own identity without the help of marketing people. Attempting to make neighborhoods like "Midtown" and "Arts District" seem very phony to me. Low taxes are one asset that is being threatened by all of this.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out.

    It looks the City Council has pushed its vote on approving the bonds beyond its next scheduled meeting, August 21. However, the Carmel Redevelopment Commission is probably going to approve over $400,000 for the interior designer of the luxury hotel itself tomorrow. Even with some slight wins, we are still losing! You can't make this stuff up. I'm not sure if the Council then has to approve that interior design contract before it's effective.


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