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Showing posts with label Alabama Senate Race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alabama Senate Race. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Is Doug Jones now ahead of Roy Moore? w/update

Doug Jones 

Our sources inform us that sometime today. Possibly even later this morning a poll will come out showing Doug Jones the Democratic Senate Candidate in Alabama of pulling ahead of RINO Roy “I Don’t Generally Date Teenagers” Moore. Now granted one poll by itself is meaningless. But as reported last month by Paul Ogden here, and The Hill reported two days ago here. Doug Jones has twice been dead tied with Roy Moore. For a Democrat running for the Senate in Alabama to be tied even once with there Republican opponent is unimaginable. To do so twice could be the signs of a storm brewing in favor of Alabama Democrats. It could turn out to be a repeat of 2010’s suprise GOP upset win in Massachusetts by Scott Brown against Democrat Martha Coakley. We will update this story later today hopefully.

UPDATE: JMC Analytics has released a poll showing Doug Jones ahead of Roy Moore 46-42. If Jones wins or Moore only narrowly wins this race this will be another clear indication that our Grand Old Party needs to reject the false Gospel of Trumpism.