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Friday, April 7, 2017

Indy Democrat's Brillant Take on Angie's List and Bill O'Reilly!

We highly recommend the incomparable Jon Easter's well written column: "Angie's List Helping to Enable O'Reilly's Bad Behavior." Although we have several difference's with Mr. Easter. He is a intelligent, thoughtful man whose talents we appreciate greatly. After having grown increasingly frustrated with Angie's List and it's nonsense over the past many years. It is especially pleasing to us to have a man of Jon's caliber calling them out! So please read his article. Hell read all of them from start to finish! Keep up the good work Jon!


  1. In 2015, no City County Councilor more supported again throwing tax dollars at Angie's List than Democrat Zach Adamson.

    1. That's one issue that has frustrated so many reform republicans and democrats about Adamson. Why he keeps wanting to shove money to Angie's List is nuts! Since Jon Easter's column Angie's List has pulled their ads during the O'Reilly Factor.

    2. Zach is a friend. One of my best friends. Angie's List is in his district, so I kind of have to excuse his support for them. We have had conversations on the issue.

      Thank you very much for the kind words on the blog.


    3. Thanks for your kind words. And for your take on things. You are a good man Jon. Stay that way.


  2. In Re: johnnystir 12:37- The commentary informs me exactly why we have such poor stewards of the taxpayers' hard earned money when it comes to professional politicians like Mr. Zach Adamson. Excusing bad financial political decisions based on friendship or district location is akin to friends of Lizzie Borden excusing her actions because her parents were in the house.


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